How do we know ourselves and our capabilities? How do we introduce ourselves to the people around us?
Episode 44: Autism and Transit
David and Kaede discuss the challenges autistic individuals face with respect to transportation.
Episode 43: Autism in the Workplace
This podcast is about autistic individuals working hard at their job. They face unique challenges as David, Vell, and Kaede discuss in detail.
Episode 42: Autism and Trauma
In this serious podcast, Dr. Gwynette talks to David and Kaede about their past traumatic experiences.
Episode 41: Russ Returns
Russ talks about bullying during childhood and youth and finding refuge in music.
Episode 40: Ainsley Loves Bullriding
Ainsley hosts this podcast and talks about her new favorite sport with Dr. Gwynette.
Episode 39: Causes of Autism with the Godfather
Scott “The Godfather” Biehl asks Dr. Gwynette: “What causes autism?”
Episode 38: All About Robert Russell McKenna, Jr.
Russ returns to the podcast to talk about his work, his quirks, and growing up in a time before most people knew what autism is.
Episode 37: MS-DOS Games
Thank goodness for emulators!
Episode 36: The Beatles
Beatles superfan Russ talks about his nearly lifelong interest in the Fab Four.
Episode 35: Retrogaming – Nintendo 64
Do emulators kill the experience?
Episode 34: Vell and Joshua
Vell receives a visit from her best friend after 895 days apart!
Episode 33: Taylor Swift
What can be learned about mental health from Taylor Swift? Jackson Hamilton makes his debut on the podcast to explain.
Episode 32: Levels of Autism
What does it mean to say someone has mild, moderate, or severe autism?
Episode 31: MDMA & Autism
Dr. Eric Dobson joins us to discuss potential therapeutic uses of MDMA and other psychedelics.
Episode 30: Blockbuster Video
VHS? DVD? What’s that? What do you mean I have to drive to the store to watch Harry Potter?
Episode 29: Independence and employment, education, and burnout
Part 3 of our series on independence with Clay & Josh
Episode 28: Independence and loneliness, friendships, financial stress
Part 2 of our series on independence with Clay & Josh
Episode 27: Independence and the transition cliff
Clay Seim and Josh Miller on independence as an adult with autism.
Episode 26: Pokemon – A Cultural Phenomenon
On the long-lasting effects of Pokémon on both the card game and wider culture.
Episode 25: Zephyr Blaze and Jennifer talk gaming
Current favorite games, platforms, and more.
Episode 24: Dr. Andrea Boyer
Dr. Andrea Boyer is a Child, Adolescent, and Adult Psychiatrist at the Medical University of South Carolina.
Episode 23: The SPARK Podcast
SPARK is the world’s largest genetic autism research project.
Episode 22: The Godfather Podcast
Scott “The Godfather” Biehl joins as co-host for the first in a new series of episodes.